babe ruth league

Babe Ruth League is an International youth draft league for players 3-18 years old that focuses on skills, fundamentals, and development in a recreational setting. Players 8U-14U will have an opportunity to make an All-Star team that is eligible to play in district tournaments, the state tournament, a national qualifier tournament, and a chance to advance to the World Series held this year in Florence, Alabama. 


 Babe Ruth League is a recreational draft league

March 24-May 4 Registation deadline February 16 


All players will be evaluated on March 2, 2025 at Rick Klein at 1:00pm. Coaches are allowed to watch the evaluations. All players who register and complete the payment process by the deadline will be placed on a team. If a player is unable to attend the evaluations, they will still be drafted to a team at the end in draft order by age and alphabetically. 

PROTECTED PLAYERS DO NOT ATTEND EVALUATIONS AS THEY ARE PICKED FIRST BY THE COACH. Knee High and Pee Wee do not participate in the evaluations. 

coaches meeting and Draft

The coaches will draft their team at the coaches meeting on March 5, 2025 at 5:30pm at the WTAMU club house. A coach can protect a maximum of 6 players. This does include the coach's kids. If a coach does not have any protected players or less than 6, they can pick from the roster in their team’s draft order. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE PLAYERS WHO DID NOT ATTEND THE EVALUATION. Coaches will draw a number out of a hat and select players in snake order 1-6, 6-1, etc. until their roster is full.

skills and opening ceremony

Opening Ceremony and skills clinic will be Sunday, March 23rd at 2:00pm. Some of our local high school coaches have volunteered to do a skills clinic with our West Texas Fastpitch teams and coaches. This will allow coaches to know what skills to focus on at their team's age and skill level. This a huge learning tool for our West Texas Fastpitch coaches and a great way to kick off our season! 


An All-Star team will be selected and announced at the end of season tournament championship game. The All-Star teams will participate in the 4 district tournaments and the state tournament. If an All-Star teams qualifies at State, they will be able to choose their tournament path that could include a national qualifier tournament and an opportunity to advance to the World Series.

Age Chart

A player's division will be determined by what age the player was as of January 1, 2025. Please see the chart below. 

Frequently asked Questions

Q: Can I play in both the Babe Ruth League and the Select League?

A: Yes! The Babe Ruth League and the Select League run back to back allowing players to play in both leagues! The Babe Ruth League you register individually and the Select League you register as a team. 

Q: What if I can't make the evaluation date?

A: No worries! You will still be drafted to a team. After all evaluated players have been drafted, the players that were not evaluated will be added to a team's roster in alphabetical order. 

Q: How do I know what age to register my kid?

A: What age was your child on January 1, 2025? That is the age you need to register your child. Please see the age chart above Frequently Asked Questions. 

Q: Can I play my kid up a division?

A: Babe Ruth allows players to play up one division, but can only be on one All-Star roster.

Q: Do I have to be part of a team to play?

A: No! Every player that registers and pays before the deadline will be put on a team. 

Q: Can I protect 7 players as a coach?

A: No. Originally, a coach could protect 2 players in a Babe Ruth League. The number of protected players was increased to 4 and now 6. There is a good chance you could pick up your 7th or 8th player in the draft, but that is not guaranteed. 

Q: As a coach, I work with a select team. Why would I want to separate my kids for a draft league?

A: For them to individually grow! Kids get comfortable with their team. Pushing kids out of their comfort zone, encourages growth. Playing different positions and playing different roles on a team allows growth!

Q: Does the 4U and 6U draft?

A: They do not participate in the evaluations, but coaches will still draft their team. 

Q: Can I play Babe Ruth if I don’t live in the Amarillo city limits? 

A: Yes! Babe Ruth does not have boundary restrictions!