Select league

West Texas Fastpitch is boosting up our competitive 8U-18U USSSA SELECT LEAGUE. We will follow USSSA rules and tournament style competition. Teams will register and pay as a team, wear their own jerseys, and be awarded USSSA placement points. 


USSSA Select League is a competitive league for ages 7-18 register and pay as a team.  

May 12-June 22 Registration deadline March 31 

TEam formation 

For our Select league and local tournaments, you must be on a team to register. teams will register and pay as a team.  

If you are a player looking for a team, click HERE! 

 If you are a team looking for a player, please check out our free agent list HERE!

If you are a team hosting a tryout, please email us at and we will post your tryout on our page!